This will probably be the last time I'm posting for you guys so.. :)
WELL DONE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! lit wing and drama wing.
Lit wingAlthough I didnt have the chance to see you all perform but seeing your rehearsals, it was awesome. And according to the audience, you guys did great! :) Thanks for supporting the drama girls throughout their rehearsals too! Greatly appreciated! :) YOU ALL DID LD PROUD.
Drama wingOur musical is beyond awesome. We had so little time to prepare the ending-thank you Lord, with all the actions, correct pitches and dance. We couldnt miss out any small little detail. And YES WE DID IT. Although we had our PMS periods, we still put our best fronts on stage right! Everyone of us did really well and put in so much effort for the musical. Again, according to the audience, it was one of the more enjoyable/entertaining performance, SO GOOD JOB GUYS! :)
Sorry I cant post pictures up here. Blogger has something against me, really. Anyway, you all can refer to the pictures from yuenping, mok, yanning, ralene, ziting @ FB! Loads of unglam shots HEEHEE
For those without facebook, please email me at dun_pray_pray@hotmail.com or msn me to get the photos(only my version) kay.
So lets treasure our last LD session. Give all our letters, cry our hearts out, WHATEVER. :)
I will certainly miss LD, and we'll miss you, sec fours. Future Comm '10 will plan a reeeeeeeeal grand farewell for you guys!
GREEN BADGES FTW!LD FTW! Oh, and thank you Sec fours(for the flowers), Rebecca(for the sms) and all the encouragements and flowers we received.
Thank you Miss Natalie for your patience and awesome script & you are such an awesome director, and thanks for coming all the way along with us, and making time for us in between your hectic schedules! We love you so much :)
Thank you Miss Sharon for the CUTE costumes and wigs!
Thank you Miss Natasha for teaching us the songs
Thank you Mr Phillip for composing and teaching us the songs
Thank you Miss Jacky for teaching us such cute dances!
Thank you Mr Gerard for sharpening our moves when we dance. We improved alot!
Thank you Mr Adrian and Mr Jason Ng for guiding us through and helping us move the bed HAHAH(
thank you boys)AND LASTLY, thank you ALL OF YOU for the most enjoyable night everrrrr!
ending off with our trademark:
ps. Did anyone accidentally take this four-shade eyeshadow Maybelline makeup thing. If you did please tell me asap! Thanks! :)