Hey LD,
Okay , please read through and know whats happening for the CIP okie! Thank you so much!LD CIP @ Little Arts Academy
Objective: To unleash the children’s creativity and enable them to produce short pieces of writing and perform them using basic elements of drama, and with confidence.
Materials needed: Mahjong paper, coloured markers, whiteboard markers
14 children aged 8-12, sessions from 12 pm to 1 pm.
Day 1-31/7/10 (20 people)
-Walk in and find our buddies (pick a child at random), settle down
-Introduce yourself to your buddy+ large scale introductions in pairs
i) Follow me (10 minutes)
1. Everyone sits in a circle with one person, A, standing in the middle.
2. Pick a leader, B
3. The leader will then choose and perform a simple action repeatedly
4. Everyone else will repeat the action
5. At a certain point of time, B will change her action
6. Everyone else will have to follow the action after seeing the leader change her action
7. A’s job is to spot who the leader is within 3 tries
8. If B is spotted, she has to do a forfeit
1. Only B can change the action
2. As long as you see someone changing the action you can follow suit
-5 minute break (water break, toilet break)
-group them into groups of 2.
-Write a short story/poem in the respective groups (35 minutes)
1. Theme- What makes me happy
2. Each story/poem must be
i) Less than 10 lines
ii) 3 Minutes to read out (at most)
* If they cannot produce anything, we will have to give them simple scripts (In simple English).
-debrief (5 minutes)
Day 2-7/8/10 (16 people)
-Walk in and find our buddies, introduction
-Large scale introduction
-Icebreakers and introductory activity (20 minutes)
i) Ice statues
1. Get everyone to space out in the room and choose an animal
2. Play some music (they have to move around acting like the animal)
3. When the music is stopped, they have to freeze (elaborate)
4. The facilitators will tap someone at random, A
5. A will have to make an animal noise corresponding to their chosen animal; facilitators gradually tap more children so the soundscape builds (kids have to repeat sound)
1. If they do not freeze when the music stops, the person in question will have to perform a forfeit.
2. If they do not make an animal sound when tapped, they will have to perform a forfeit.
3. They have to make sounds and move like animals when acting.
*explain elements of drama during the game
-5 Minute break
-split into individual groups
-facilitators help kids to incorporate actions and elements of drama into their performance, help them work on their scripts and rehearsals (35 minutes)
-debrief (5 minutes)
*facilitators, decide on what props to bring on the following session, to aid the kids in their performance.
Day 3-14/7/10 (15 people)
-Introduce ourselves to them and find buddies
-Rehearsal (20 minutes)
-5 Minute break
-actual performance (35 minutes)
-debrief (5 minutes)